Forecast of Energy usage
by Xuxun Huang
by Xuxun Huang
After the blooming of green energy, it has impacted on the petroleum industry.
Therefore, we have to consider the energy usage in the future because oil and gas industry has a lot of fluctuations in oil prices. So, the future situation is very important for us to know for our daily life and this information will help you to prepare for the future. I will give the necessary information and topics including usage of gas, oil and coal, development of renewable energy sources, development of nuclear fusion energy. First of all, we will start with the usage of gas after we had found the shale gas and we will compared the prices of oil and gas. We can see that gas prices is much lower than oil prices. Moreover, gas is cleaner and more efficiency than oil. Therefore, in the future natural gas may replace coal for producing electricity and may replace oil for transportation. Moreover, oil will not be the main source of energy for transportation anymore but it will be used as feedstock for petrochemical materials and other products. Another energy source, coal, will not be used for producing electricity because it causes a lot of pollution problems. You can see that there is one type coal can be used to make methane gas in unconventional resources in Coal-bed methane topic. However, it maybe not easy to replace this kind of energy in some countries, especially in developing countries that don’t think environment is a priority. They may think about the cost of energy first. If they have a lot of this resources in their countries, they might not think about the environment. |
This figure shows the prediction of energy usages. You can see that oil and coal usage will decrease. Therefore, natural gas and renewable energy will replace them.
After we saw the usage of main energies. We will look at another type of energy which is called renewable energy source including solar, wind, wave, tide and others. It is sure that renewable energy will replace the old energy but when? In ten years, fifty years, one hundred years ? The answer is on one knows because it depended on many factors such as the government policy, oil and gas prices situation. So, what we can do now is preparing for the future events. We will talk with renewable energy, so let's start with solar energy. Solar energy is the energy that is achieved from radiant light and heat from the sun so that it can be changed into the renewable energy. This kind of energy is very popular in developed countries but still not much in developing countries because its cost is very high. Hydropower is the power derived from the energy of falling water or fast running water to pass through the creating power machine. Biomass is organic matter derived from living, or recently living organisms. At the present, we will adapt this process to use with bio waste to transform the methane gas into energy. Nuclear energy is the energy that is produced from mass loss from the process. The mass loss can transfer to the energy with Einstein’s equation, E=mc^2, so that we can produced the energy from the fusion of small molecules including deuterium or tritium. Therefore, you will see that we have many kinds of renewable energies to replace the old main energies. But which kind of energy is the most suitable to use ? The answer is it depended on the geological characteristics of their countries such as some countries have many mountains and waterfalls but not enough sunlight. Then, It will not be suitable for solar energy but for hydropower energy. Another main factor is the cost because each country doesn’t have the same financial position. This figure below show the cost of each energy. You can basically think what is the most suitable renewable for Thailand. Have fun! And see you in the next article! |
Five key facts from the recent past. We are going into the renewable era in long term.